5. Representatives of BHANSA, BHDCA and Sarajevo International Airport held a joint meeting on the topic: Aeronautical study on the possibilities of extending the runway and increasing the category of ILS

Sarajevo International Airport intends to, in accordance with the continuous increase in the number of passengers on an annual basis, increase the level of service, that is, to enable operations to be performed with larger types of aircraft, which opens up opportunities for longer flights and other more distant destinations. In this direction, the airport expressed its intention to enable the landing and takeoff of category E aircraft for the purpose of expanding operations throughout the year, for which an Aeronautical study was ordered on the possibilities of extending the runway and increasing the category of ILS (instrumental landing system).

On Friday, September 22, 2023, a meeting was organized at Sarajevo International Airport with representatives of BHANSA and BHDCA, where the concerned Study was discussed. The goal of the meeting was to determine the activities that each of the participants should undertake, in order to implement the requirements from the study in the best possible way.

All participants of the meeting took part in the discussion and came to the common conclusion that this kind of exchange of knowledge is useful for all participants and leads to the successful implementation of joint projects.